Party Games
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Our collection of board games may be found on Board Game Geek under our profile WeAreOld.
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We Are Old User Collection
We often implement house rules to make playing the game more fun for 2 players
and to make the game shorter time-wise.
Game: Telestrations
A Great party game for 6 players and up - Pictionary meets Telephone Line
Have another drink. Then simultaneously each player draws a sketch of their secret word in a sketch book.
The sketches are passed to the right, and the next player writes down their guesses on a new page.
The new guesses are passed to the right, and the next player draws a sketch based on the new guesses on another new page.
The new sketches are then passed to the right, and the sequence continues until the sketch books reach the original players.
The worst your drawing (and the more you consume), the more the guesses diverge from the original secret word.
e.g. final guess: "Three dead bodies in a pond" The secret word: "Mac and cheese". Yep. It's fun
Game: Pictionary (with our twist)
A Great party game for 4+ players - have others guess what word or phrase you are drawing
While the retail-game-as-sold is fun, we find that it can go on for too long
and you are sitting too long between turns, particularly if you have younger players.
It should be obvious that this game works better with a whiteboard and easel for more players.
We have two suggested modifications
First, don't use teams. Let a person draw and let everyone else guess.
The person who draws gets a point for each correctly guessed drawing.
A whiteboeard and easel really make this easier.
The person who guessed correctly also gets a point.
While this option has the chance for having a good guesser or drawer move faster
around the board, that is also the goal of shortening the game.
Everyone guessing at once generates more energy (noise) in the room, too.
Second, for those more technically capable, have the person drawing use a laptop or chromebook.
Cast the screen to a large TV. Using these tools, everyone has a clear view of the drawing.
Depending on your drawing tool, it is very easy to flip to a "new page".
This does require that the players know a little about the drawing tool, but hey,
your 6-8 year old child or granschild can teach you!
Some people find it much easier to draw on the laptop than on a white board.
They feel less pressured by sitting behind the guessers, rather than blocking their view.